
Hello knitters and coffee addicts and welcome. Even if you're not a knitter or like the taste of coffee - welcome anyway - to the site that promotes the learning and appreciation of knitcraft and coffee. The hope is that you'll leave here keen to knit, charmed to coffee and hankerin to return.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's Roll-Up-The-Rim Time!

Roll Up the Rim season is here!  It seems that it came a little earlier than usual, but I'm not complaining.  It started last Saturday when I spotted a woman crossing the street carrying the distinctive red and yellow rollup cup from Tim Horton's.  I stopped my car, rolled down my window and asked her if it was indeed a rollup cup.  she confirmed it and added that she wouldn't of gotten an extra large coffee otherwise.  Sandy was in the car with me and instead of sharing in the joy of the rollup season, she just looked over at me and said, "you're such a loser."  But no, she is wrong, I am a winner, we all are winners because it's Roll-Up-The-Rim Season!

1 comment:

  1. omg i totally had to LOL at your darn comment. You're totally a loser!! For everyone who's reading!!! Jamie was driving out of local hockey rink parking lot, suddenly he stops the car and goes "WHOA" and I thought he had hit something or almost hit something. Instead, he rolls the window down and goes "excuse me but is that a roll up the rim??" the lady goes "yes it is" and he goes "it already started?" lady "yah that's why I bought an extra large". and jamie proceeds to thank her and rolls up his window and turns to me... You already know what I said..
