The two authors, Alyce Benevides and Jaqueline Milles, probably started knitting like all of us with a simple stockinette scarf pattern. But their creativity and resourcefullness lead them to create pieces that they wanted to wear, and in this case it was punk and a bit of goth.
Initially, I had thought that I would tackle the mohawk hat for my first attempt at intarisa, but after skimming the pattern and realizing I had no idea what intarsia entailed, I decided on the wrist band.
Not bad for my first attempt at knitting with colour. The book is a good one with lots of interesting patterns. The only thing is that it was lacking in instructions and pictures on how to do some of the skills. I had to use the good-ol internet to learn how to intarsia. This is deffinately not a beginner book. I would say intermediate or for the beginner that wants a challenge (again, I am the latter).